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Extension Overview


The PADO extension is an all-in-one user interface to manage and connect to your internet data, attest its authenticity, and monetize your data value. Everything remains under your local control, with privacy customised and preserved from smart contracts.

Key Features:

  • PADO uses MPC-TLS and ZKP technology to attest to internet data. This allows you to create attestations for any of your own data without revealing the privacy of the data itself.
  • You totally control the extension and data is fetched specific to your website logins. All data is then stored locally on your device and remains accessible only to you.
  • The PADO extension can collaborate with web3 applications, making it easy for you to swiftly participate in on-chain activities.

We've made a whole new UI & UX to make your experience as smooth as possible. You can install the latest version of the PADO Chrome extension from the Chrome web store. You can also find detailed function tutorials on the Walkthrough page.